Sunday, July 15, 2012

Past the One Year Mark

It is over a year now since I started this blog and I am pleased to find that I enjoy doing it so I guess I will be sticking to it. One blog a month is about my speed though so you do not need to check in too often.  I wrote in the beginning that one of the reasons I wrote this blog was to see where it would take me.  It has been a big surprise to find out that there are lots of people in Europe and Russia who are interested in tropical gardening and especially that they are interested in Okinawan Spinach.  Who knew?  Okinawan Spinach is way ahead as a googled subject.  Guavas come up second with Breadfruit almost catching up to them.  Interesting.  The new joy of my life is to be able to tell my family what new country was looking at my blog this week.  Thank you to all you readers who have come by to visit my garden and a big aloha to my three followers.  It is lovely to be able to share my passion for useful tropical gardening with others.  Thanks to the Internet, it can mean new friends on the other side of the world and not just old friends in my little town or garden club.

I have a first anniversary gift for us all.  Check out this fabulous article that was on  It is about making a Keyhole Garden and it is the most practical and wonderful small vegetable garden that I have ever seen and it will work for any kind of place and climate.  If you have not seen you might enjoy having a look around there.  Many of the subject areas are viewed by subscription only but the tropical gardening forum is free ( Dave lives in Hawaii on the Big Island so this is a subject after his own heart.) Every day there are two new gardening articles to read that is like getting a free gardening magazine.  Best of all, his plant and insect files are free areas so are always available for ID information.  His website is is a meeting place for gardeners from around the world

Just to give you something to drool over, here are  a few photos of Desert Rose and Bonsai taken at the Penang Floral Festival that I attended in June while traveling around Malaysia for a few months. 


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